Daniel Gouker is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with Empire State Forensics since July 2023.
He has worked in a variety of outpatient settings in the New York City area that specialize in
problematic sexual behaviors since 2019. Daniel has worked extensively in an Office of Mental
Health Article 31 clinic and Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services outpatient settings
working with individuals where a wide range of mental health and substance use concerns co-
occur with problematic sexual behavior. He has completed trainings focused on the Good Lives
Model, Motivational Interviewing, the STABLE/ACUTE 2007, working with personality disorders
and sexual behaviors, and working with existential issues and sexual behavior. He is an ATSA
member in good standing.
At Empire State Forensics, Daniel facilitates both group and individual treatment as well as
conducting psychosexual risk evaluations. He has experience working with individuals
voluntarily seeking assistance for their behavior, individuals who identify as Non-offending Minor
Attracted Persons, as well as those involved at various levels of court proceedings, alternative
to incarceration, probation, parole, and Strict and Intensive Supervision and Treatment (SIST).
Daniel’s therapeutic style incorporates a warm engaging approach, focusing on each client’s
unique motivations to make change in ways they understand and align with their values. He has
special interest in the intersection of the Good Lives Values of creativity and spirituality and their
role in sexual behavior.